', "-->\n", $echo); $config = file_get_contents ('/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_config/dynamic_url_functions.txt'); $config .= "\n"; $config .= file_get_contents ('/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_config/dynamic_url_declarations.txt'); $config .= "\n"; ?> fleshner.com 180) { $reset = str_replace ($timeout, '', $reset);} $reset = str_replace ('_default', '', $reset); $reset = str_replace (',', '', $reset); file_put_contents ($sessions, $reset); } } if ($webpage == 'template') { $begin_here = check_where_to_begin ($user, $context, $keyword); } $user = return_user_value (); $seconds_path = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/data.refresh.seconds.txt"; $play_path = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/data.refresh.play.txt"; $dtin = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/data.toggle.inputform.txt"; $dtui = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/data.toggle.url.items.txt"; $path = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/$user.current.autoplay.item.txt"; if ( $webpage == 'sample') { $message = 'Error'; } $user = return_user_value (); if (isset ($_GET['error'])) { $error = $_GET['error']; } else { $error = 'false'; } if (isset ($_GET['kwbdl'])) { $kwbdl = $_GET['kwbdl']; } else { $kwbdl = ''; } if (isset ($_GET['keyword'])) { $keyword = $_GET['keyword']; } else { $keyword = ''; } if (isset ($_GET['context'])) { $context = $_GET['context']; } else { $context = ''; } if (isset ($_GET['rtype'])) { $rtype = $_GET['rtype']; } else { $rtype = ''; } if (isset ($_GET['item'])) { $item = $_GET['item']; } else { $item = 0; } $match = 'Item $item'; $match = md5 ($match); $match = strtoupper ($match); if (!empty ($user)) { $temps = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user*"; $temps = glob ($temps); foreach ($temps as $temp) { $folder = basename ($temp); str_replace ('kwb_', '', $temp, $hit); $len = strlen ($folder); if ( ($hit == 0) || ($len != 16) ) { #exec ("chmod -r 0777 $temp"); exec ("rm -r $temp"); } else { @mkdir ("/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user"); @mkdir ("/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/_uploads"); @mkdir ("/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/_keywords"); } } } $count = count_items ($user, $context, $keyword, $rtype); $count--; if (isset ($_GET['auto'])) { $auto = $_GET['auto']; } else { $auto = ''; } if (!is_numeric ($auto)) { $abctoggle = '/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$$user/abctoggle.txt'; $abctoggle = str_replace ('$$user', $user, $abctoggle); if (file_exists ($abctoggle)) { unlink ($abctoggle); } } if (isset ($_GET['context'])) { $context = $_GET['context']; } else { $context = ''; } if (isset ($_GET['rtype'])) { $rtype = $_GET['rtype']; } else { $rtype = ''; } if (isset ($_GET['item'])) { $item = $_GET['item']; } else { $item = 0; } if (isset ($_GET['selector_option'])) { $selector_option = $_GET['selector_option']; } if (isset ($_GET['abc'])) { $abc = $_GET['abc']; } else { $abc = ''; } if (isset ($_GET['message'])) { $message = $_GET['message']; } else { $message = ''; } if (!empty ($abc)) //more of an indicator that we are running in item mode (the actual indexes are stored elsewhere) - see the paths below { $path = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/_slideindex/_$abc"; exec ("mkdir -p $path"); $path = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/_slideindex/_$abc/index.txt"; $section = ''; if ($abc == 'contexts') { $section = return_all_contexts ($user); } if ($abc == 'keywords') { $section = return_all_keywords ($context, $user); } if ($abc == 'items') { $section = return_all_items ($user, $context, $keyword, $rtype); } $section = explode (',', $section); $section = array_filter ($section); if (file_exists ($path)) { $lookahead = file_get_contents ($path); } else { $lookahead = 0; } if (!empty ($abc)) { $lookahead++; } if (isset ($section[$lookahead])) { file_put_contents ($path, $lookahead); } else { $lookahead = 0; file_put_contents ($path, $lookahead); } } str_replace ('button', 'button', $webpage, $jqrelated); str_replace ('button', '', $webpage, $button); if ($button > 0) { $button = true; } else { $button = false; } $xoffset = 0; $akeyword = str_replace ('_', ' ', $keyword); $body = ''; $body .= ''; $body .= '
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Try again later.'; $TEMP = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user"; if (!file_exists ($TEMP)) { $notempfolder = true; } else { $notempfolder = false; } if ( ($notempfolder) && ($user != '_default') ) { header ("Location: $LOW"); die(); } if ( (!empty ($user)) && (!empty ($keyword)) ) { $active = "/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user"; @mkdir ($active); $active = '/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/$user.active.keyword.txt'; $active = str_replace ('$user', $user, $active); file_put_contents ($active, $keyword); } $seqno = ''; $seqno = explode ('.', $seqno); $count = count ($seqno); $seqno = $seqno; $user_temp = '/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user'; $user_temp = str_replace ('$user', $user, $user_temp); //do we have file-based content $webpage = trim ($webpage); if ($webpage == 'template') { $path = '/mnt/disk1/www.fleshner.com/_temp/$user/$user.data.webpage.php'; $path = str_replace ('$user', $user, $path); file_put_contents ($path, $webpage); } $atype = 0; $rtype = ''; $chatword = ''; $setup_context = ''; $setup_keywords = ''; $selector_option = ''; $rtype = ''; $thumbnail = ''; $item = ''; $explicit = ''; $webpage = ''; $showdomains = ''; if (!empty ($_GET['atype'])) { $atype = $_GET['atype']; } if (!empty ($_GET['message'])) { $message = $_GET ['message']; } if (!empty ($_GET['chatword'])) { $chatword = $_GET['chatword']; } if (!empty ($_GET['setup_context'])) { $setup_context = $_GET['setup_context']; } if (!empty ($_GET['setup_keywords'])) { $setup_keywords = $_GET['setup_keywords']; } if (!empty ($_GET['selector_option'])) { $selector_option = $_GET['selector_option']; } if (!empty ($_GET['rtype'])) { $rtype = $_GET['rtype']; } if (!empty ($_GET['thumbnail'])) { $thumbnail = $_GET['thumbnail']; } if (!empty ($_GET['item'])) { $item = $_GET['item']; } if (!empty ($_GET['explicit'])) { $explicit = $_GET['explicit']; } if (!empty ($_GET['webpage'])) { $webpage = $_GET['webpage']; } if (!empty ($_GET['showdomains'])) { $showdomains = $_GET['showdomains']; } if ($webpage != 'template') { $amessage = str_replace ('_', ' ', $message); $amessage = urlencode ($amessage); $echo .= "\n"; $echo .= '
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